Friday, September 5, 2008

J24 North American's - And we're off

Well, it is 2:20 in the afternoon, and we are between Georgetown and Belton. We got on the road at 1:40 in the afternoon, after having to go back to the club when I realized I had left my cell phone in the car (thank god Eric and Robbie are such understanding people). Eric, Robbie, and I are all really excited about the drive and the trip. We are hoping to get to Lake Minnetonka by mid-morning tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have a fun and safe trip.

I'll be trying to update this on our drive up so you all can feel like you are here with us.

Here we are leaving the club:


Unknown said...

Be sure to do a head count before hitting the road after a fuel stops! :)

rabmom said...

I can't believe you forgot your phone---that's so not like you!!!